#oc: takashti
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thewriteflame · 4 months ago
Character Voice Tag
@oh-no-another-idea thank you for the tag! ^^
Rules: Rewrite a line of dialogue from the person who tagged you into the voice of your OC’s! (You can include a short beat of action to help establish character if you want.) Pass on the tag with a new line of dialogue.
I decided to do all of my main characters. Line: "No thanks, that's not for me."
Jayme: "Uhmm... that's not really my thing, sorry."
Takashti: "Yeah I'm not the kind of person who's into that. I mean," he gestured to himself, "loner artist who thinks watching paint dry is exciting."
Sadie: "No, sorry, not my cup of tea."
Liam: "Uh, thanks but no thanks, have fun without me."
Shuntala: "You're welcome to it, I won't stop you, but I'd rather not."
Ka'il: "I'm not into that."
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @memento-morri-writes @blue-kyber @violets-in-her-arms-writes and open tag
Line: "Go ahead, I dare you."
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flamingdiva · 4 years ago
I’ve been playing around on artbreeder trying to create some of my ocs and Takashti is just so hard to get... I can get somewhat close to Jayme and Nim, nearly spot on for Cris but Takashti... he’s always been difficult to do. I think part of it is because I can’t figure out how to get the right color for his eyes
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thewriteflame · 6 months ago
Out of Context Tag Game
Thank you so much @megarywrites for the tag!
Tagging: @ryns-ramblings @romances-not-tragedies @oh-no-another-idea @blue-kyber @starbuds-and-rosedust and, as usual, open tag
Debated what to post but I think I'll go with some one brain-cell Takashti x Jayme interaction (of course that one brain-cell belongs solely to Takashti):
“Ohhhh,” Jayme examined the picture. The tiles were, indeed, a collage of all the ugly colors in the man’s scarf. “What about your closet?” He asked. “It’s just a closet?” Takashti replied, an eyebrow raised. Jayme pouted and Takashti sighed. “Fine, you can go through that door and out the main one if you insist on seeing another man’s closet.” Takashti gestured to a small pocket door on the other side of the bathroom, nestled between the shower and wall.
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thewriteflame · 1 year ago
Out of context line tag
@theprissythumbelina thank you for the tag~!
Taken from And They Were Roommates (where a lot of my favorite out of context lines are/will be):
Takashti’s training involved paint brushes and Bunsen burners, panic attacks were way out of his qualifications.
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @theunboundwriter @oh-no-another-idea @emelkae and open tag
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thewriteflame · 10 months ago
ROY G BIV tag game
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! <3
Rules: Search your WIP for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @emelkae @romances-not-tragedies @theprissythumbelina and OPEN TAG should anyone wish to join in ^^
Will be taking them from 3 of my WIPs: Home, And They Were Roommates (ATWR), and The Revenged (TR).
Red (Home)
“Is he going to survive?” She asked again. She stared at him, her large hazel eyes boring hopefully into his. Ka’il wasn’t an expert on humans but he felt she couldn’t have been much older than Miriel. “If he lives through the night and we can keep infection away, probably.” Determination entered her eyes. The same look Miriel got when she wanted to help, wanted to do tell the world she would do what seemed impossible. “Then he will make it through the night.” Ka’il smiled at her. His first smile since before Laitae broke into his world. “Anyone would with you near, little one.” He couldn’t resist ruffling her wild red-blonde hair. She glared at him and smoothed out her hair. “I’m twelve,” She pointed out. “Oh, practically an adult. No wonder you were a good apprentice.” Ka’il said, half-jokingly. The girl beamed at him.
Orange & Yellow (TR)
“My father had her built just last year after our last ship became too damaged to float. The plan is that after this trip is over, she will be mine.” Nahuel looked at the ship with pride. A pride Shuntala felt was deserved as she took in the frigate in front of them. Natural medium wood shone through a thick coating that protected it from the dangers of the sea, a swirling line of orange and pink painted flowers decorated the top of the hull and curled around bright yellow lettering that gleamed on her aft. The Rising Sun’s rays danced and reached for the flowers circling them.
Green Emerald (TR)
She moved her attention from the fingers lightly touching her wrist to his emerald eyes. She relaxed a little. “Now,” he muttered to himself as he pocketed the salve. Shuntala looked back at her arm as he slowly unwrapped it. Stitches lined her cut. An angry redness partly ringed it. She flinched as he gingerly touched it. “Sorry,” He said. “I’ll have to talk Saavin into coming back.” Shuntala looked back at his eyes as he concentrated on re-wrapping her arm then looked to his ears. What she realized should have been elongated was cut off, thick scars marking the end.
Blue (ATWR)
Once again Takashti found himself in the girls’ room. It hadn’t been his prerogative but resisting a fresh changed Jayme— now wearing pastel blue and sequined sandals— was like flying a kite in a hurricane. Not even Nim said anything as she rolled her eyes as he was dragged into their domain. “You’ve been acting strange, Jayme.” Nim suddenly said as they watched Cris yeet some large and rather ugly character off the stage. “Sheik remains undefeated!” Cris cried out as she held her hands up. “Which one of you losers want to try their hand?” “I’m not acting strangely,” Jayme replied. He grinned at Nim. “Jayme is acting like Jayme. It’s Takashti’s turn!”
Indigo Cobalt (TR)
Shuntala sipped on the water and examined the sword. The rich, cobalt blue hilt looked more like it belonged to an aristocrat than a pirate. Then, perhaps, this Wulf had murdered the Lord or Duke who had commissioned it? She sat the half-empty cup down and picked up the sword. She unsheathed it part way and turned it, eyes wide as she watched the blade catch the light. Nahuel had basic sword knowledge, so she hadn’t been taught much but she could tell that it was taken care of. She noticed some letters hidden just below the hilt. She squinted, making them out. HRH AW? She stared at the letters, eyebrows creased. Was that a maker? A title?
Violet (ATWR)
Takashti was nearly ready for sleep by the time Jayme came in and crashed half onto his bed, face buried in his violet comforter. “Rough day?” Takashti asked as he tossed his laundry into the light green basket by the bathroom door. Jayme moaned. “Did you get her highness settled down?” Jayme moaned again. “Did you tell her about your brother?” Jayme turned his head so he could look at Takashti. “It wasn’t the right time.” Takashti rolled his eyes. “If we all waited for the right time to share bad news we’d still be waiting for an official statement on The Titanic.”
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thewriteflame · 8 months ago
Character Cuddle Scale Tag
Jumping on @starbuds-and-rosedust open tag~
Leaving an open tag as well as soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @violets-in-her-arms-writes @charlesjosephwrites @ryns-ramblings
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
I'll do the main protagonists for all my current WIPs.
Takashti 0.5/10
Cuddling with him would be like cuddling with a log. He's like a cat who hates being held but warms up to the idea if he likes you enough. Even then he usually just bears with it and would never admit to enjoying it a little. He's also confused by the concept of being touch starved.
Jayme 12/10
He's the very definition of a cuddle bug. In fact, much to Takashti's horror, the only way he can go back to sleep after a trauma related nightmare is if he's cuddling with someone. Would cuddle with a stranger and the type who has to be touching (or at least near) another living person 24/7.
Shuntala 2.5/10
She only feels inclined to cuddle with those she considers to be her family. She develops touch aversion (and a stabbing reflex) after her time on The Scarlett's Song and even after recovering as much as possible she still isn't comfortable with being touched unless she's the one who initiates it. Or when she really needs a hug from someone she trusts. Kids can cuddle with her as much as they want, though.
Ka'il 4/10
With family and kids he's 10/10 but with others he only cuddles if he feels it's what they need. He literally is like "here is your doctor prescribed cuddle."
Sadie 5/10
I only see her cuddling with those she's closest to, like Shuntala and Ka'il. But she'll happily allow someone she only knows a little to cuddle with her under certain circumstance, though.
Liam 9/10
He is a man who loves a good cuddle. It sort of stems from how he was raised when he stayed with his mom during the summers. You're part of a community and sometimes the community wants a cuddle. Plus he looks after a lot of kids from time to time and no cuddle ok kid leaves him cuddled free.
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thewriteflame · 1 year ago
Heads Up 7 Up
@theprissythumbelina thank you again for the tag!
I have been writing off and on lately but haven't had the time to do tags so yeah...
Anyway here is a good peek into Jayme's melodramatic mind. For context Takashti just told Jayme his favorite color. Reluctantly I might add.
Though, Jayme had to admit, it did fit Takashti. Boring, unassuming, HOA compliant. He had seen the surge of beige flag memes on TikTok and finally understood. Only this was a taupe flag. It felt worse than beige. Beige was at least connected with the colorful retro gadgets and decor of the 90s. Taupe haunted Jayme’s dreams as more houses fell to the ugly sameness of boringsville united. Taupe and slate. He knew it was a little crazy to declare war on two colors but would it kill anyone to have different colored houses? Life was depressing enough without sapping all the brightness from it.
Soft tagging: @blue-kyber @oh-no-another-idea @isherwoodj and open tag
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thewriteflame · 11 months ago
Another thing I've been doing instead of writing is using this Stardew Valley icon maker to make my babies (and my new icon) Here are the main ones: Jayme, Takashti, Ka'il, Liam, Sadie, and Shuntala
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag!
Words: lavender, lift, love, late
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @emelkae @violets-in-her-arms-writes and leaving open tag Words: ghost, grab, green, guess
Lavender And They Were Roommates
“Get up before I throw your alarms out the window!” Takashti growled, throwing the nearest purple colored object at the mess of black hair sprawling from beneath the lavender blanket. The cocoon grunted in pain as the pill organizer bounced off it and clattered to the floor. “Takashti,” Jayme whined. The covers slid down to reveal the delicate face of Takashti’s roommate. “It’s not time yet.” He yawned and relaxed, his phone and one alarm clock still screaming into the air.
Lift The Revenged
Thunder rolled in the distance. Ka’il sighed. “Exactly what I need right now on top of crass pirates, a delusional woman, and a murderous man who thinks I’m having an affair with her. I shouldn’t even be in this cabin right now.” He turned to leave. “Wait,” Shuntala reached out and grabbed his shirt, flinching as pain shot through her hand. “Did you injure yourself?” He gently grabbed onto her wrist. “Where?” He lifted her arm up, examining it. A flash of lightning illuminated her bruised hand for a second. “How did you get that?” Shuntala turned from him. “I fell,” She lied, trying to hide her irrational and temporary stupidity.
Love The Revenged
Shuntala smacked his arm. “I’m being serious, Nahuel! I’m going to have to sit there as he talks endlessly about his political views and his plans for when he gets elected as One of the Five.” She placed her head in her hands. “I could dress up in one of your beautiful gowns and go for you?” Nahuel suggested, laughter still in his voice. Shuntala glared at him and he held up his hands. “Ok, ok, I’ll be serious.” He couldn’t stop grinning. “I don’t know what to do. I’ll be tempted to push him into the water.” Nahuel rubbed Shuntala’s arm. “I know, love. You’ll just have to hang in there and do your best to not kill anyone.”
Late And They Were Roommates
Nim huffed as she sat on Jayme's left. “We went to your room and that man said you had left already.” “That man is our new friend now, Nimmy. Be nice to Takashti.” She glowered at him for a second before pulling a pastry box from the bag she had set on her desk. Jayme glanced at the cherry pastry before passing it along to Cris. Gleefully he grabbed one of the blueberry ones from Nim. “Thanksie!” He said childishly as he planted a quick kiss on Nim’s cheek. “Also that man said you forgot your meds,” Nim, avoiding Jayme’s gaze, said as she passed him his violet pill organizer. The pills rattled as he looked at Monday’s slot. “Oh so I did! I’ll have to thank him later. See, he is our friend.” He smiled down at the now pouting Nim. Not one for resisting the irresistible, Jayme gently pinched her cheek. “You’re so cute, Nimmy.”
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
OCs as Animals Tag Game
@oh-no-another-idea thank you for tagging me in this fun game! ^^
I'll do the main characters of the current WIPs I've been focusing on.
As much as she would love for me to say an orca (her favorite animal) I'm going to say a honey badger. Intelligent, will attack any animal, and just look up Stoffel who has a hobby of escaping his enclosure and causing problems. Really fitting for my girl who also has a hobby of causing problems.
It was hard to settle on one but I think I'll go with a meerkat. Family oriented, cautious, mischievous at times, courageous when those he cares about is threatened, and I'm sure he would love a hole to disappear into when he senses danger.
His name means sight of the fox's fate so he's a fox. One of the ones that are solitary. He also has a fox-like vibe and resembles one in a way. In other words: he's a foxy elf.
I say peacock, he says squirrel. Cute, fun, chittery.... yeah it's cliche saying someone with ADHD is a squirrel and yet it does fit him. But the peacock also fits him because he likes strutting around, being beautiful.
Was going to say peahen but now I'm thinking chihuahua. Small, angry, barks a lot, shakes when having Big Emotions... gets to wear cute outfits and be pampered.
If she could she would kill me if I said anything other than a feline here. Thankfully she has enough cat vibes for two people. She's either a silver or orange tabby, depending on the day.
Open tag as well as tagging @megarywrites @blue-kyber @emelkae @violets-in-her-arms-writes @violets-in-her-arms-writes @kjscottwrites @jamieanovels
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thewriteflame · 1 year ago
Thank you @druidx for tagging me! I love this idea for a tag game.
Tagging: @megarywrites @violets-in-her-arms-writes @emelkae @blue-kyber @kaiusvnoir and open tag
Rules: Search your WIP for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt
I will be taking these from both The Revenged and And They Were Roommates.
Red (TR)
Shuntala followed Nahuel as he hurried to the other side of the ship. She stepped back at the sight. One second-rate vessel seemingly waited at a distance. The other ship was massive, it’s red and white hull almost a beacon in the blues and grays of the sea. Despite it’s bright paint it’s presence felt foreboding as it turned in their direction.
Orange (ATWR)
Jayme thought for a second, his eyes up with his finger and mouth moving. “Just look for the man with auburn hair and an empty seat to his… left? No right! He’s wearing a faded…faded… ugh was it slate? Who wears slate?” Takashti watched, unamused as his roommate began muttering about lack of fashion sense and hideous color schemes. “Are you done?” He asked. “Wha-? Oh! Yes! Yes! Go get them, tiger.”
Yellow (TR)
“Yes, this lace here would look beautiful with that blue for a ball gown. This,” She touched a pale yellow, “Would work well for riding.” She paused, smiling sadly as she rubbed it. “Nahuel’s favorite color,” She whispered.
Green (TR)
Shuntala squinted at the woman’s features in the moonlight. It was like seeing someone famous, a peak into the past at someone important. Finally the ghost had a face. A pale, striking face framed by coppery-red tresses and accented with eyes so green that even the low light caught them. She was young- likely still in her teens- and easily one of the most beautiful women Shuntala had ever seen.
Blue (ATWR)
“Let’s eat before class starts.” She said, brushing his hand from her face as she turned away from him. Jayme watched Nim as she opened the container and carefully began eating. Her perfectly curled strands of light blue hair did little to hide the changes in her complexion, especially on the points of her ears sticking out.
Indigo (TR)
They passed by the mahogany wheel and entered one of the windowed doors leading into the great cabin. Shuntala stopped to take it all in. The large mahogany mess table, more windowed doors propped open with the day cabin waiting on the other side, light blue walls, and a dark blue dragon dancing on the space above the door they just entered. She grinned at Athanian before rushing through to the day cabin, twirling around the tea table and running a hand over the writing desk as she stared at the elegant details that surrounded her. She paused when she reached the sleeping cabin.
Violet (ATWR)
“We have been through this the whole orientation and yet…” Takashti’s complaint turned to mumbling as he placed his drawing tablet down and got up. He grabbed Jayme’s light blanket and yanked it off, allowing it to drop onto the pile of designer clothes on the floor by the mome’s bed. “Get up and turn your alarms off!” He grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him up. Takashti paid no heed to the slender arm that whacked him as Jayme groaned. “I’ll throw you out the window too, mome.” Finally blue-violet eyes blinked opened and glared at him.
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
15 Questions
Thank you @druidx for tagging me!
Open tag but also tagging: @emelkae @rayewritesfantasy @moonscribbler @moonandris
Here is the one I did for Jayme, today I will do his roommate, Takashti Clayson. Again I will basing the answers from around the start of And They Were Roommates.
After my interview with Jayme I decided to interview his roommate. He was far more difficult to get in touch with but after several attempts of talking with him and a plea from Jayme I found myself sitting in the same empty classroom, this time facing the infamous Whovian artist who had showed up before our scheduled time.
His light honey eyes seem to be in a perpetual state of annoyance, which does little to detract from a handsome face partially framed by a few strands of stray medium brown hair that has escaped his ponytail.
"Well, let's just get this over with." He tells me, gesturing to my recorder and notebook.
Are you named after anyone? 
Takashti looks taken back for a moment before recovering. "Uh, I don't know. My aunt never told me anything about how I got my name."
When was the last time you cried? 
He laughs. "Why would anyone want to know that about someone?"
Do you have kids? 
"Recently I feel I've had one thrust on me by the school system but I'm managing." He responds, jokingly. At least I think it's a joke.
Do you use sarcasm? 
"Only about a hundred times a day."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"Huh," Takashti thinks for a few moments. "Honestly, I don't really give it much thought beyond if they annoy me or not."
What’s your eye color?
"Brown," He says, gesturing as if it was the dumbest question ever asked.
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I'm fine with scary movies. I don't really care how it ends as long as the story is good." He suddenly sits forward a little as if to share a secret. "Actually, I have a soft spot for scary media, especially if it has weeping angels. Plus I've realized that they keep tha- uh, Jayme away so I can get some peace and quiet for once."
Any special talents?
"Mostly drawing, painting, and sarcasm. I have yet to master the art of getting out of social obligations."
Where were you born?
Again Takashti is taken back. "Uh, I'm not sure. Somewhere in California, I think." He mutters under his breath, "I could have been born on Mars and no one would bother to tell me."
What are your hobbies?
"Art- namely drawing and painting, reading, watching sci-fi shows, you know." He points to his bag at his feet that has a TARDIS and little robot dog painted on the flap. The rest of it has various muted- and dare I say ugly- colored stripes, making it seem to have come out of the 70s. "I've made and sold several custom bags based on the different Doctors. I made this one based on the Fourth."
Have you any pets?
He chuckles before answering, "Jayme is a little like a dog that followed me home and won't leave."
What sports do you play/have played?
"Archery is fun and I was third in the school fencing team." He shrugs. "I could have been higher but I really only took it to keep Anna from annoying me with her insistence that I join some clubs and have an actual social life." "Anna? Is she your aunt?" I ask him. "Uh, no... she sort of adopted me." He avoids looking in my direction as he answers as if expecting each word to trigger an anvil to fall on him so I decide to move on.
How tall are you?
"Six foot, two inches, that's 185cm for every non-American." He responds, his relief to be on a different topic evident as his body relaxes a little.
Favorite subject in school?
"This probably won't be a surprise but science, especially physics. I also enjoy English, world history, and- of course- all the art classes. Math isn't too bad, either, now that I'm thinking about it." He pauses for a second, his ears reddening as he sheepishly smile. "I guess I'm just a school junkie."
Dream job?
Takashti squints as he thinks. "I'm not entirely sure." He shrugs. "I like learning and painting so anything that lets me do both."
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you @megarywrites for the tag! It's technically not Sunday any longer but close enough, right?
Tagging: @oh-no-another-idea @violets-in-her-arms-writes @rayesworld @j-1173 and open tag!
Rules: Writers: post (approximately) six sentences from something you’re working on. If you aren’t ready to do that, add six sentences to your WIP. 
 Readers: challenge yourselves to leave a six sentence comment or give a writer a six sentence prompt. (or a total of six sentences for the day) 
 Fans and creators alike: reblog a fandom post and add some love in the tags. Aim for 6 posts - or 6 tags. Whatever you can manage!
I worked on And They Were Roommates tonight.
A bit of context is that Takashti decided to go to the library thinking Jayme would just go to their dorm room and he can be alone. I love this segment and their dynamic a little too much.
“So he really is going to follow me,” Takashti mumbled. He had known. It had taken him all of three minutes of knowing Jayme to pin down the kind of person he was. A leech. A pesky mosquito buzzing on about anything and everything. An existence out to zap even the energy he reserved for parties and large gatherings. The king of energy vampires. And somehow, for some inexplicable reason, he had attached himself to Takashti’s shadow.
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thewriteflame · 1 year ago
Tens but... tag game
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag!
Rules: List your OCs as “tens but” to give us a not at all comprehensive scope of their characters
I'll try to limit myself here...
Shuntala: She's a ten but she's a little unhinged, not gonna lie
Nahuel: He's a ten but honestly that's what makes him dangerous
Athanian: He's a ten but he will recklessly charge into an enemy army alone just to try to prove himself to you
Ka'il: He's a ten but he isn't interested
Takashti: is a ten but he will grumble while making you pancakes you didn't even ask for
Jayme: is a ten but he thinks he's a twelve no a fourteen no maybe he's a twenty........
Open Tag but also tagging: @megarywrites @violets-in-her-arms-writes @theunboundwriter @emelkae
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
Find the Word
I'm sorry it's been a while but thank you @winglesswriter for the tag!
Tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @emelkae @pinespittinink @violets-in-her-arms-writes and open tag
You're words: Joke, Jump, Brown, Bug, Book
Words: Believe, Blissful, Bored, Birth and Blind
Believe from an old short story, Pietiful
“I can’t believe we got caught!” Jayme was one octave from screeching as he leaned against Nim in the backseat of the car. Nim felt annoyed- but mostly flustered- at his closeness. Since Cris had plans with her cousin, Jayme and Nim we alone. Well, as alone as two teens can get when being driven from one end of town to the other in a large Lincoln. “Mr. Matthews, please sit properly.” Nim’s driver intoned from behind the wheel. “You don’t want me to get ticketed do you?” “Who’s going to stop a Bayrd’s ride?” Jayme asked but he sat up, righting himself so that he was sitting in the middle instead of lying across the seats Nim wasn’t using. “What do you mean you can’t believe we got caught?” Nim asked. She tried her best to keep her composure as Jayme began playing with her hair. “I would question Mrs. Bell if she didn’t catch us after you stood up and yelled.” She stiffened when Jayme’s hand lightly brushed the edge of her jaw.
error 404
Bored from another short story, To Bribe a Mome
Takashti dropped his pencil on his desk and whirled his chair around. “Jayme, shut up! I can’t focus on this paper with all your moaning!” He ordered his roommate. “But studying is so boring!” Jayme whined from his side of the room. He was sprawled on his desk, most likely crinkling the pages of the book that was under him. “Reading is so boring, especially since you’re re-reading.” He moaned again. “I don’t care if you’re bored; I just care if you’re quiet.” Takashti snapped. “And you can always not study,” He added as he turned back to his report. “I have this test tomorrow.” Jayme let out another moan and his chair squeaked as he moved. “College is killing me. Why can’t I just become a model? I am hot.” Takashti rolled his eyes. “And when you become unattractive with age, then what?” Jayme gasped as if Takashti had blasphemed. “Me? Unattractive? Never! Even my bones will be beautiful!” This proclamation earned another eye roll.
Birth from Home
“I’m a healer,” Ka’il said, cutting into Saavin’s muttering. “I’ll only use a sword to defend myself and others.” Saavin stared at him, an eyebrow raised. “How old are you?” He asked. “Twenty, I think.” Ka’il replied. Did the day marking his birth pass? It couldn’t have been more than a year could it? Saavin looked him up and down, skeptical. “My parents taught me from a young age so, despite my age, I have well over twelve years of experience.” Saavin’s eyes widened as his eyebrows went up. He slowly smiled like a coveted prize had landed in his lap. “Yes, we should be thankful to parents who bestow the best training on their children. I have this,” He gestured around at the painted walls of the ship, “Thanks to my dear late father.”
Blind This one is from an old story from back when I wrote in first person more, Ella the Rat. Takashti is the POV character.
I looked away and my eyes fell on a rat. I watched as it stuffed food in its cheeks then climbed over another rat to get on the wheel. It ran on the wheel for three seconds and ran back to the food as if rewarding itself for exercising. Its sleek coat shone in the lights, the gray interrupted by an odd shaped patch of white. For some reason it reminded me of Jayme. “This rat,” I pointed to it. Cris and Nim joined me, the latter wiping her eyes. We watched in silence as it finished stuffing more food in its already filled cheeks then proceeded to climb everywhere before settling down by another rat. “It’s Jayme,” Cris said in awe. “What do you mean?” Nim asked. “Nim, I know you aren’t a girl blinded by love. That rat acts like Jayme.” Cris explained. Nim opened her mouth then closed it. “You’re right,” She said in defeat.
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
OC Name Meanings Tag Game
@druidx thank you for tagging me!
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
Open tag but also tagging: @blue-kyber @megarywrites @emelkae @kjscottwrites @pinespittinink @ofbloodandflowers @silvertalonwritblr
I think I will focus on the main characters of my current WIPs.
Upon research on behindthename, Jayme/Jamie is a variant of Jacob which means "holder of the heel" or "supplanter." He just popped into my head one day like "Hey I'm Jayme!" so I never gave any thought to it's meaning.
His name I pieced together from an old rpg elf name site. Ta- fox; kash- fate; ti- eye, sight I thought about just leaving it at Takash but it didn't flow right so when thinking of his name I disregard the last syllable giving him the meaning of "fox's fate." Or we can say it means "sight of the fox's fate." Honestly I put way more thought into his name than the other key characters in Thylore/And They Were Roommates.
Used the same site as I did for Takashti. Ka- dragon; il- gift, giver; mus- ally, companion Yes his name meaning is foreshadowing for The Revenged/The Scarlett's Song.
I knew I took a name and changed it so I had to go looking for it. Shakuntala, means "bird" in Sanskrit. No reason for her to be named bird. Although in my favorite dragon series (The Dragon Chronicles by Susan Fletcher), dragons are kyn to birds so that can be a cool little nod to it.
I can't remember what both of the elements (aer and xyu?) I used to come up with his name mean but it basically means "air" (because he's full of it).
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